Visualizing Climate Change Data using AI



Climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, affecting ecosystems, economies, and societies. As effects become increasingly evident, new insights into environmental data are crucial. This project utilizes AI to visualize temperature and sea level climate variability, using datasets like NASA’s GISTEMP and EPA’s sea level records to analyze changes from the 1880s onward.

Technologies Used

PythonSeabornPytorchNASA GISTEMPEPA DatasetLinear Regression


Climate change impacts are profound, and understanding climate (long-term patterns) versus weather (short-term changes) is essential. This project distinguishes these to emphasize climate variability over decades.

Visualizing Temperature Climate Variability

Using NASA's GISTEMP v4 dataset, we analyzed global surface temperature changes since the 1880s. This dataset, combining NOAA's GHCN v4 and ERSST v5, provides insights into temperature trends and variability over the past 40 years.

Visualizing Sea Level Climate Variability

Building on global warming insights, sea level changes from 1880-2000 were visualized using EPA data. A linear regression model provides future estimates on sea level rise.

Future Directions

Future plans include integrating more diverse datasets, using AI to handle larger datasets, and implementing predictive modeling for local weather/climate insights.

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